Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hip..Hip..Hooray for Harly!

Hooray...Harly's eyes are open now..he is 4 weeks old today and is growing soo beautifully. I can't wait to go visit him again and cuddle..and play with him..

I ( Corinna ) went to a wonderful Dog Show yesterday...and got to talk with a couple of Therapy Dog workers.very interesting to find out 1st hand what they do..and a few things to look out for..Most important is to socialiaze Harly with children...older folk...take him to as many different places as he is allowed..The 2 ladies I spoke with both do Reading Programmes with children..and thier dogs..were sooo sweet, gentle and so attentive.

I met also with the lady, Kirsten who will be training Harly for the 1st 8 weeks afer we bring him home... Puppy obedience class is also a very important part of the beginning stages of therapy dogs.. She is soo delightful and fun and I know Harly will just be such an obedient dog !!!!

Time is flying by..4 weeks on...5 more to go.. yahoo!!


Greg Johnson said...

It's neat how God is leading you in this "point of need" ministry.


Anonymous said...

Mrs Coho

Oh he is a sweetie. God Bless you new friend


Unknown said...

Thanks Greg...God is faithful to us..and He honours our obedience !

Unknown said...

Thanks Magan...ur a true blessing, friend !

Anonymous said...

This is a great site. I love what you are doing and know that you are going to have great joy with your cute pup, Harly ;-))

Keep up with the commentaries, as I am eager to see how you are doing ;-))

God Bless
Robin (Cape Town, South Africa)